Sentiment analysis with a SQLite database (…and TF-IDF)#

Today I’m just starting Chapter 8: Sentiment Analysis in the book. But this time I’m not just busy scribbling down notes or copying code verbatim into my Python REPL. I decided to experiment with SQLite databases! (as you can probably infer from the title) Hopefully, I will be able to practice both my ML and my DB skills 😅.

Consider this piece of code from the book, which is used to extract data from the IMDb dataset:

basepath = 'aclImdb'

labels = {'pos': 1, 'neg': 0}
pbar = pyprind.ProgBar(50000, stream=sys.stdout)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for s in ('test', 'train'):
    for l in ('pos', 'neg'):
        path = os.path.join(basepath, s, l)
        for file in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
            with open(os.path.join(path, file), 
                      'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
                txt =
            df = df.append([[txt, labels[l]]], 
df.columns = ['review', 'sentiment']

(pos and neg refer to sentiment labels, all text files under pos are positive reviews and vice versa)

Instead of directly storing the data in a Pandas DataFrame, I attempted to store it in a SQLite Database (by using the sqlite3 package in the stdlib):

 1import sqlite3
 2from pathlib import Path
 4con = sqlite3.connect("IMDb.sqlite3")
 8    review TEXT,
 9    sentiment INTEGER
13def get_count():
14    return con.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM IMDb").fetchone()[0]
16if get_count() == 0:
17    def reviews():
18        for file in Path("aclImdb").glob("**/pos/*.txt"):
19            with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
20                yield (, 1)
22        for file in Path("aclImdb").glob("**/neg/*.txt"):
23            with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
24                yield (, 0)
26    cur = con.cursor()
27    with con:
28        cur.executemany(
29            "INSERT INTO IMDb (review, sentiment) VALUES (?, ?)",
30            reviews()
31        )
33    print(get_count())

First I created a connection with sqlite3.connect(). Then I created the table and inserted the reviews into the table with basic CRUD operations.


Highlights in the code above:

  1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS: only create the table if it does not exist

  2. reviews() is a generator function (yield), so that I can use it in combination with con.executemany()

  3. with con: Connection objects as context managers (auto COMMIT or ROLLBACK)

  4. VALUES (?, ?): SQL interpolation, prevents SQL injection

And finally, I need to read the reviews into a DataFrame, so as to preprocess the data. This time I chose polars. Polars provides a function that utilizes connectorx to load data from a variety of SQL databases. For me, I only need to provide the SQL SELECT statement and the connection url:

import polars as pl
df = pl.read_database(
    "SELECT review, sentiment FROM IMDb",

That’s it! I succeeded in storing and retrieving data from a SQLite database.

Now it’s time for some less hands-on stuff.


I’ve always heard people discussing TF-IDF, but not until today did I truly understand what it refers to and why it’s useful in NLP.

TF-IDF, which stands for term frequency-inverse document frequency, is used for highighting important words (but not common ones such as “is” or “a”) in a document. It is defined as follows:

\[ \mathrm{tfidf}(t, d) = \mathrm{tf}(t, d)\cdot\mathrm{idf}(t, d) \]

where \(t\) is the term and \(d\) is the document.

\(\mathrm{tf}(t, d)\), of course is the number of occurances of a term in a document. \(\mathrm{idf}(t, d)\), on the other hand is more complicated.

It’s defined as:

\[ \mathrm{idf}(t, d) = \log\frac{n_d}{1 + \mathrm{df}(t)} \]

where \(n_d\) is the total number of documents and \(\mathrm{df}(d, t)\) refers to the document frequency (how many documents contain the term \(t\)).

However, in scikit-learn, it is instead defined as:

\[ \mathrm{idf}(t, d) = \log\frac{1 + n_d}{1 + \mathrm{df}(t)} \]

(which helps to prevent the singularity of \(\log x\) at \(x = 0\))

This way, when words such as “is” or “a” appear in every document, \(\mathrm{df}(d,t)\) will be very large, and thus \(\mathrm{tfidf}(t, d)\) will be small.

That’s all I have to share today.