Posts in CS

First Thoughts on Tcl

About a week ago, I have started learning the Tcl programming language for an upcoming project. Here are my first thoughts on it.

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Reed-Solomon Error Correction – Decoding

Reed-Solomon codes are an especially powerful tool for efficient multi-bit error detection and correction. In my last post, I discussed how to encode messages. In this post, I will discuss how to correct errors and decode the message.

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Reed-Solomon Error Correction – Encoding

Reed-Solomon codes are an especially powerful tool for efficient multi-bit error detection and correction. The following is my understanding of the algorithm after reading my professor’s presentation and correcting several erroneous details.

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MIPS Assembly Part 1: Stacks and Subroutines

Having recently registered for a Computer Architechture & Organization course, I decided to take some time to start writing MIPS assembly code. However, no sooner had I started writing my first program than I encountered an obstacle: how to properly manipulate the stack and call subroutines.

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