Engineering Montage#

Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a technical project that requires a ton of (computer) engineering. I think it’s time to talk about what I learned from it.


Fun Not so fun fact:

You may find the title of this post a bit awkward (lame?). It’s probably because I borrowed the word “montage” from what I’ve also been working on—writing college essays. Specifically, I have been attending College Essay Guy’s course on how to write the personal statement and it mentioned “montage” as a possible structure.


I am not in any way affiliated with College Essay Guy.

Nevertheless, I believe that the word “montage” captures the essence of this post pretty well, as it is indeed a, well, montage of many unrelated bits of engineering.


Let’s start with what I’ve already mentioned I would be working on.

I previously said that Tcl was a string-based language. I take that back. Actually no, just take it with a grain of salt. This is because by diving into the internals of Tcl (because of an obscure error that’s related, long story), I discovered that while strings are essential to Tcl, there’s a lot more to it.

Consider the following declaration of a Tcl_Obj (taken from Tcl 8.6.14 source code):

 1typedef struct Tcl_Obj {
 2    int refCount;		/* When 0 the object will be freed. */
 3    char *bytes;		/* This points to the first byte of the
 4				 * object's string representation. The array
 5				 * must be followed by a null byte (i.e., at
 6				 * offset length) but may also contain
 7				 * embedded null characters. The array's
 8				 * storage is allocated by ckalloc. NULL means
 9				 * the string rep is invalid and must be
10				 * regenerated from the internal rep.  Clients
11				 * should use Tcl_GetStringFromObj or
12				 * Tcl_GetString to get a pointer to the byte
13				 * array as a readonly value. */
14    int length;			/* The number of bytes at *bytes, not
15				 * including the terminating null. */
16    const Tcl_ObjType *typePtr;	/* Denotes the object's type. Always
17				 * corresponds to the type of the object's
18				 * internal rep. NULL indicates the object has
19				 * no internal rep (has no type). */
20    union {			/* The internal representation: */
21	long longValue;		/*   - an long integer value. */
22	double doubleValue;	/*   - a double-precision floating value. */
23	void *otherValuePtr;	/*   - another, type-specific value,
24	                       not used internally any more. */
25	Tcl_WideInt wideValue;	/*   - a long long value. */
26	struct {		/*   - internal rep as two pointers.
27				 *     the main use of which is a bignum's
28				 *     tightly packed fields, where the alloc,
29				 *     used and signum flags are packed into
30				 *     ptr2 with everything else hung off ptr1. */
31	    void *ptr1;
32	    void *ptr2;
33	} twoPtrValue;
34	struct {		/*   - internal rep as a pointer and a long,
35	                       not used internally any more. */
36	    void *ptr;
37	    unsigned long value;
38	} ptrAndLongRep;
39    } internalRep;
40} Tcl_Obj;

We can see that there’s a large union at the bottom. This is the internal (alternative) representation of a Tcl object, as opposed to its string representation: char *bytes. In this case, it can either be a long, a double, a pointer, a long long, two pointers, or a pointer and a long. Phew!

This means that in some corner cases, thinking that every Tcl object is a string can actually be erroneous. (no example here since I haven’t fully understood it myself)

Furthermore, the conversion between the internal representation and strings are problematic and caused me a ton of trouble. So the fact that Tcl objects have an internal representation isn’t going to change my opinion of Tcl. (-:


I have been interacting with Makefiles quite a lot these days. If you want to learn more about Makefiles, Makefile Tutorial is definitely one of the best resources. But here is what I found most useful:

  1. Recursive make:

        cd subdir && $(MAKE)
  2. :=, = and ?=

    Basically, := is the normal assignment. = evaluates at run time and ?= only assigns when not already present. See here for a more detailed explanation.

  3. .PHONY: run even when the file is present


    This can sometimes cause the build process to be excessively long, especially if used together with dependencies, like this:

    .PHONY: b
        <build b>
    .PHONY: a
    a: b
        <build a>

    b will build again if make a is invoked, even when b is already built previously, for example, with a make b.

    One possible solution would be to remove the build dependency.

  4. Suppress errors by adding a - to the beginning of each command


When some legacy Fortran 77 code needs to be linked to C code, f2c is still an option. Just make sure that you use the latest version since it include important fixes (e.g. building on 64-bit systems).

If you can modify the Fortran code (and have the time to do it), the modern Fortran bind(c) is probably the way to go.


Several random takeaways.

long and long long are especially tricky#

At least when you’re dealing with legacy 32-bit code. Just use the fixed width versions such as int32_t or uint64_t from <stdint.h>.

Also when dealing with pointers, size_t and ptrdiff_t are really useful (from <stddef.h>).

printf format specifiers you’ve never heard of#

You probably need to use the proper printf specifier for the aforementioned types. You can find the full details on

Compile objects intended for shared libs with -fPIC#

This is kind of obvious, but nonetheless essential.

You should never name your symbol after a libc symbol#

This will cause you a ton of pain during linking. What I did was that I renamed everything to something else. You could probably make it work with compiler flags, but honestly, I think that way is just too hacky.

What’s Next#

I’m still working on the project. Expect a post on lexer and parser generators and probably something else as well.