How to Make a Robot Car Go in a Straight Line#

After messing around with my micropython-based esp8266 chip, I’ve finally got to the point where I can make the robot go in a straight line.

The Hardware#

My robot car is a dual-motored car. This means that unavoidably I’ll need to correct the tiny differences between the two motors so as to make it go in a straight line. To achieve this goal, I bought an MPU9250 motion sensor which can detect its acceleration \(\mathbf{a}\), angular velocity \(\mathbf{\omega}\) and the earth’s magnetic field \(\mathbf{B}\).

The Original Algorithm#

My original algorithm is to increaase the speed of one motor and decrease the speed of the other when I detect the robot is turning to one direction. As the motors are controlled by the voltages supplied, when I apply a voltage difference between the two motors, the motors will operate at different speeds.

The following is a theoretical analysis of my original algorithm.

  1. The scalar angular velocity \(\omega\) can be determined by projecting the vector onto the gravitational unit vector:

    \[ \omega = \vec{\omega}\cdot\frac{\vec{g}}{|\vec{g}|} \]
  2. The angular velocity can be approximated as a linear function of \(V\), the voltage difference between the two motors I apply:

    \[ \omega(V) = a + bV \]
  3. The voltage difference is assumed to have a linear relationship with respect to he angle \(\theta\) and the angular velocity \(\omega\):

    \[ V(\theta, \omega) = p\theta + q\omega \]
  4. In step 3, \(\theta\) is determined by numerically integrating \(\omega\):

    \[ \theta = \int_0^t\omega(t)\,dt \]
  5. Then a differential equation can be set up and solved with separation of variables:

    \[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \dot{\theta} &= a + b(p\theta + q\dot{\theta}) \\ (1-bq)\frac{d\theta}{dt} &= a + bp\theta \\ \int_0^\theta\frac{d\theta}{a + bp\theta} &= \int_0^t\frac{1}{1-bq}dt \\ \frac{1}{bp}\ln\left|\frac{a + bp\theta}{a}\right| &= \frac{1}{1-bq}t \\ 1 + \frac{bq}{a}\theta &= \exp\left(\frac{bp}{1-bq}t\right) \\ \theta &= \frac{a}{bq}\left(\exp\left(\frac{bp}{1-bq}t\right)-1\right) \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]

This implies that my original algorithm should never be able to achieve a perfect straight line.

Nevertheless, I tried it out.


The units of \(p\) and \(q\) were all messed up because I was using degrees and the voltages I used were not in volts either. I omitted them because they are irrevelant here.



\(\Delta t\)









tilts about 25 degrees








tilts about 25 degrees




tilts about 15 degrees




tilts about 5 degrees

(\(\Delta t\) is the period with which I update the voltages)

As you can see, the results are far from satisfactory. Oscillation is not shown in the theoretical derivation but it was probably a result of latency. Another significant problem was that none of them works on relatively smooth surfaces. (It oscillates violently)

The Solution#

I eventually solved this problem by using accumulative voltage difference with weight decay.

Instead of using a fixed formula for \(V\), I update the value of \(V\) with this recursive formula:

\[ V_n = \alpha V_{n-1} + (p\theta + q\omega) \]

where \(\alpha\) is a constant in the interval \((0, 1)\). This way, more recent measurements of \(\theta\) and \(\omega\) constitute a larger portion of \(V\) while older ones constitute a smaller portion.

This not only smooths out the curve for \(V\) but also implies that I will be able to reduce \(\Delta t\) to a smaller value and thus gain more accurate control.