Robot Tour

Stories, caveats and takeaways

Chris Liu

Before we begin -- Rules and Placements

  • 4x4 track
  • starting point and target point
  • gate zones: 15-point bonus
  • distance score: in centimeters
  • time score: match given time
  • obstacle penalty
Tournament Placement
Mira Loma 19
Aggie 6
BirdSO 9

Essential Questions

  • How to go straight?
  • How to go the correct distance?
  • How to turn properly?
  • How to match the target time? *

The Story -- Chapter I

  • Initial design
    • motion sensor
      • angular velocity

      • acceleration

The Story -- Chapter II

  • The problems
    • unstable I2C (serial communication protocol) connection
      • boost converter
      • high inductance of iron-containing chassis

      • poor wire connection
  • unable to turn
    • too much resistant torque caused by tank-like design

The Story -- Chapter II

  • The solutions
    • unstable I2C (serial communication protocol) connection
      • boost converter
      • high inductance of iron-containing chassis new non-iron chassis
      • poor wire connection rewiring
  • unable to turn
    • too much resistant torque caused by tank-like design use wheels instead

The Story -- Chapter III: Mira Loma

  • The problems
    • unstable distance control
      • due to the error of double integration
    • unstable turning control
      • inappropriate gear ratio of motor
  • Some drama

The Story -- Chapter III: Mira Loma

  • The solutions
    • unstable distance control
      • motor encoders
      • laser ranging sensor
    • unstable turning control
      • switch to slower, higher torque motors
  • A boon: switch chip from esp8266 to esp32
    • no random wire plugging during track time

The Story -- Chapter IV: Aggie

  • Still no obstacles
  • Sunlight interference of laser ranging sensor
    • disable ranging function DURING track time 😱

The Story -- Chapter V: GGSO

  • More testing
  • Time matching
  • Bad wire connection for laser sensor
    • disable sensor self-test DURING setup time (again!) 😱😱😱
  • Unfortunately, no video, but we got 5th! YAY!

# Micropython
from machine import SoftI2C, Pin, PWM
import time
import math
import machine

# Sensors
from mpu9250 import MPU9250
from vl53l0x import VL53L0X

# Display
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C

# motion,time
# FF,3
# FFFF,5.33
# FFFFFF,7.33
# L,1.33
# LL,2


DEG_TO_RAD = math.pi / 180

I2C_CONFIG = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(21), scl=Pin(22))
DISPLAY = SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, I2C_CONFIG)

def show_message(msg: str):
    DISPLAY.text(msg, 0, 0, 1)

except Exception:
except Exception:


    PWM(Pin(16, drive=Pin.DRIVE_3)),
    PWM(Pin(17, drive=Pin.DRIVE_3)),
    PWM(Pin(18, drive=Pin.DRIVE_3)),
    PWM(Pin(19, drive=Pin.DRIVE_3)),

### Encoders
ENC1 = Pin(32, Pin.IN)  # right
ENC2 = Pin(33, Pin.IN)  # left
enc1 = 0
enc2 = 0

def handler1(_pin):
    global enc1
    enc1 += 1

def handler2(_pin):
    global enc2
    enc2 += 1
### Utilities
def integral(offset: float = 0.0, initial: float = 0.0, step: float | None = None):
    """Numerical integration"""

    total = offset
    last = initial
    default_step = step

    def accumulate(
        value: float | None = None, step: float | None = None, reset: bool = False
        nonlocal total, last

        # reset if requested
        if reset:
            total = offset
            last = initial
            return total

        # don't change anything if value is not given
        if value is None:
            return total

        # fall back to default step
        if step is None:
            step = default_step

        # error if neither step nor default_step is specified
        if step is None:
            raise ValueError("No step specified")

        total += step * (last + value) / 2
        last = value

        return total

    return accumulate

def with_offset(values, offset):
    return [(values[i] - offset[i]) for i in range(3)]

def calibrate(*funcs, n=15):
    offsets = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for _ in range(len(funcs))]
    for _ in range(n):
        for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
            x, y, z = func()
            offsets[i][0] += x
            offsets[i][1] += y
            offsets[i][2] += z
    for offset in offsets:
        offset[0] /= n
        offset[1] /= n
        offset[2] /= n
    return offsets

def norm(vector):
    return math.sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in vector))

def normalize(vector):
    length = norm(vector)
    return [(x / length) for x in vector]

def dot(vector1, vector2):
    return sum((x * y) for x, y in zip(vector1, vector2))

def eval_vec(vec):
    return [ele() for ele in vec]

def run_motor(motor1=None, motor2=None):
    if motor1 is not None:
        motor1 = int(motor1)
        if motor1 >= 0:
            MOTOR[0].duty(min(motor1, 1023))
            MOTOR[1].duty(min(-motor1, 1023))
    if motor2 is not None:
        motor2 = int(motor2)
        if motor2 >= 0:
            MOTOR[2].duty(min(motor2, 1023))
            MOTOR[3].duty(min(-motor2, 1023))
def _actions_to_ir(actions):
    """Returns a generator that yields the next action"""

    i = 0
    done = False
    while True:
        if done:

        action = actions[i]

        j = 0
        while actions[i + j] == action:
            j += 1
            if (i + j) >= len(actions):
                done = True

        if action == "F":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            # yield {"op": "transition", "start": 500, "stop": 800, "step": 15}
            yield {"op": "forward", "value": 1023, "distance": j * 0.25, "smooth": True}
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "B":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            yield {"op": "forward", "value": -1023, "distance": j * 0.25, "smooth": True}
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "^":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            yield {"op": "forward", "value": 1023, "distance": 0.33, "smooth": True}
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "$":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            yield {"op": "forward", "value": 1023, "distance": 0.22, "smooth": True}
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "L":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            # yield {
            #     "op": "turn",
            #     "direction": "ccw",
            #     "value": 1000,
            #     "angle": 10 * j,
            # }  # get the turn started
            yield {
                "op": "turn",
                "direction": "ccw",
                "value": 1023,
                "angle": 90 * j,
                "smooth": True,
            }  # turn the rest of the way
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "R":
            yield {"op": "reset"}
            # yield {"op": "turn", "direction": "cw", "value": 1000, "angle": 10 * j}
            yield {
                "op": "turn",
                "direction": "cw",
                "value": 1023,
                "angle": 90 * j,
                "smooth": True,
            yield {"op": "stop"}
        elif action == "P":
            # pause
            raise ValueError("Invalid action")

        i += j
def _calc_forward_offset(offset, sensors):
    """Returns the offset for forward motion (go in a straight line)"""
    return 0.9 * offset + (100 * sensors["direction"] + 100 * sensors["omega"])
    # encoder_delta = sensors["encoder"][0] - sensors["encoder"][1]
    # return offset * 0.95 + encoder_delta * 4

def parse_actions(actions):
    """Returns a coroutine that executes the actions sequentially"""
    ir = _actions_to_ir(actions)
    offset = 0
    sensors = yield (0, 0)
    for op in ir:
        # if op["op"] == "transition":
        #     for val in range(op["start"], op["stop"], op["step"]):  # type: ignore
        #         offset = _calc_forward_offset(offset, sensors)
        #         sensors = yield (val - offset, val + offset)

        if op["op"] == "forward":
            show_message(f"fw {op['value']:d}")
            sign = 1 if op["value"] >= 0 else -1  # type: ignore
            val = 0
            for _ in range(500):  # timeout after 5 seconds
                current_pos = (sensors["encoder"][0] + sensors["encoder"][1]) / 360 
                dist_to_go = op["distance"] - current_pos  # type: ignore

                # if sign == 1 and sensors["lidar"] <= 500:
                #     dist_to_go = min(dist_to_go, (sensors["lidar"] - 200) / 1000)

                if dist_to_go <= 0.01:
                    # spike in the opposite direction to stop
                    yield (-val * sign / 2, -val * sign / 2)  # type: ignore

                if op.get("smooth", False):
                    val = 500 + 30_000 * dist_to_go**2
                    val = min(val, op["value"] * sign)
                    val = op["value"] * sign

                offset = _calc_forward_offset(offset, sensors)
                sensors = yield (val * sign - offset, val * sign + offset)

        elif op["op"] == "turn":
            val = 0
            for _ in range(500):  # timeout after 5 seconds
                # show_message("Turning...")
                current_dir = abs(sensors["direction"])
                angle_to_go = op["angle"] * DEG_TO_RAD - current_dir  # type: ignore

                if angle_to_go <= 10 * DEG_TO_RAD and abs(sensors["omega"]) < 0.01:

                if (op["direction"] == "cw" and angle_to_go <= 8 * DEG_TO_RAD) or (
                    op["direction"] == "ccw" and angle_to_go <= 6 * DEG_TO_RAD
                    # stop things by spiking in the opposite direction
                    if op["direction"] == "ccw":
                        sensors = yield (-val / 2, val / 2)  # type: ignore
                    elif op["direction"] == "cw":
                        sensors = yield (val / 2, -val / 2)  # type: ignore

                if op.get("smooth", False):
                    # if op["direction"] == "cw":
                    #     val = 520 + 600 * angle_to_go**2
                    # else:
                    #     val = 520 + 600 * angle_to_go**2
                    val = 520 + 600 * angle_to_go**2
                    val = min(val, op["value"])
                    val = op["value"]

                if op["direction"] == "ccw":
                    sensors = yield (val, -val)  # type: ignore
                elif op["direction"] == "cw":
                    sensors = yield (-val, val)  # type: ignore

        elif op["op"] == "reset":
            offset = 0
            sensors = yield "reset"

        elif op["op"] == "stop":
            sensors = yield (0, 0)
def run():
    global enc1, enc2

    gravity, gyro_offset = calibrate(
        lambda: MOTION.acceleration,
        lambda: MOTION.gyro,
    gravity_unit = normalize(gravity)
    velocity = [integral() for _ in range(3)]
    position = [integral() for _ in range(3)]
    direction = integral()
    runner = parse_actions(ACTIONS)
    next(runner)  # initialize coroutine

    # set up motors
    for pin in MOTOR:

    run_motor(0, 0)
    while True:
        lidar =

        if lidar < 50:

    for m in range(3, 0, -1):  # countdown

    ENC1.irq(handler1, Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING)
    ENC2.irq(handler2, Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING)
    k = 0
    acceleration = [0, 0, 0]
    ticks = time.ticks_us()
    while True:
        acceleration = [
            a_prev * 0.5 + a * 0.5
            for a_prev, a in zip(
                acceleration, with_offset(MOTION.acceleration, gravity)
        gyro = with_offset(MOTION.gyro, gyro_offset)
        lidar =
        current_ticks = time.ticks_us()
        step = time.ticks_diff(current_ticks, ticks) / 1_000_000

        # integrate acceleration
        for i in range(3):
            position[i](velocity[i](acceleration[i], step), step)

        # calculate and integrate angular velocity
        omega = dot(gyro, gravity_unit)
        direction(omega, step)

        sensors = {
            "gyro": gyro,
            "omega": omega,
            "direction": direction(),
            "acceleration": acceleration,
            "velocity": eval_vec(velocity),
            "position": eval_vec(position),
            "lidar": lidar,
            "encoder": (enc1, enc2),

            action = runner.send(sensors)
        except StopIteration:
            action = (0, 0)

        if action == "reset":
            # calibrate sensors
            time.sleep(0.15)  # wait for the robot to stop moving
            gravity, gyro_offset = calibrate(
                lambda: MOTION.acceleration,
                lambda: MOTION.gyro,
            gravity_unit = normalize(gravity)

            # reset
            for i in range(3):
                acceleration = [0, 0, 0]

            # reset encoders
            irq = machine.disable_irq()
            enc1 = 0
            enc2 = 0
            # show_message(f"{action[0]:.1f}, {action[1]:.1f}")

        k += 1
        ticks = current_ticks

Caveats and Takeaways

  • Perseverance is key!!!
  • Don't use iron-containing chassis
  • Use suitably geared motors
  • Try to solder everything to avoid bad connections
  • Testing, testing and more testing
  • Don't panic
  • Only enable obstacles after you're confident with your device
  • You can actually argue with the event supervisor 😅

Good luck at Regionals!!!

(especially to Shreya and Nathaniel)